To come to greffe

Postal address :
Greffe du tribunal de commerce de Paris
1, quai de la Corse
75198 Paris Cedex 04

To comply with formalities or deposits of any documents at the reception desk of the Greffe, you must first set-up an appointment:

on our website

by phone: 01 86 86 75 75

at a specific interactive terminal at the Greffe.

You will receive a confirmation email stating the time of the appointment.

You can also use our services online for formalities: registrations, changes about companies, strike-off, deposits of annual accounts… to create your own digital identity as director/legal representative of your company or companies (free service). statement of state of cessation of payments, request of safeguarding procedure, request for an appointment with the judge prevention of difficulties faced by businesses, deposit of requests.

From France : 01 86 86 75 75

From 9 a.m. to 12:30 pm - from 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

From abroad: 00 33 1 86 86 75 75

Email us : webmaster

By bike :

Velib 22

By bus :

Lignes : 21 38 47 85 96

By subway, RER :

Ligne 4 : Cité, Saint Michel, Châtelet
RER B RER C : Saint Michel Notre-Dame

By car :

Parking Lutèce-Cité
1, place Louis Lépine - Bd du Palais
75004 Paris

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